Osteopathy and Pregnancy Suffolk
Osteopathy for the relief of common pregnancy discomfort with Osteopath in Suffolk.
Pregnancy and your body
The female body is a truly incredible and wonderful thing. Throughout your pregnancy, progressive adaptations occur within your body to allow for the developing baby. Ligaments will soften, the curves of your spine will change and your overall posture changes. As the baby develops, your centre of gravity moves forward, which alters the normal mechanical stress on your body and naturally exaggerates the arching of your lower back. All of these changes increase pressure on spinal joints, muscles and ligaments.
The benefits of osteopathy during pregnancy
Seeing an osteopath during your pregnancy will support your body through these changes - especially during the mid-late pregnancy stages as the pressures on your spine grow. As osteopaths, we will aim to maintain your body’s balance by having a positive effect on your circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems throughout your pregnancy. Our treatments are always non-invasive and gentle.
Osteopathy can help to ease common symptoms you may be experiencing during your pregnancy, such as:
Aches and pains in your back, neck and shoulder as well as muscular tension
Groin, lower abdominal pain or pubic symphysis
Nausea or heartburn
Circulatory problems resulting in swelling in the legs or varicose veins
Rib and mid-back pain leading to breathlessness or difficulty deep breathing
History of back pain which could negatively impact your pregnancy or delivery
Treatment will be different for every patient. A thorough case history will be taken at your first appointment which will include any current symptoms, past medical history and obstetric history.
Our treatment may include techniques such as soft tissue massage, mobilisations or cranial osteopathy to help release tension, stretch muscles, help relieve pain and mobilise your joints.
If you are suffering with pain or discomfort in your pregnancy, book your appointment with our Osteopath in Suffolk team today.