Osteopath for Migraine Relief in Suffolk
Migraine and headache relief with Osteopath in Suffolk.
Can an Osteopath help you with migraines or severe headaches?
The short answer is, yes we can.
As Osteopaths we are medically trained to be able to differentiate different types of headaches and to rule out possible red flags (hidden conditions that require medical intervention) - allowing us to treat you according to your diagnosis.
So how can an Osteopath help with severe headaches or migraines?
We will always start by taking a detailed case history, in which we will ask questions about the symptoms of the headache you’re experiencing, your lifestyle, your medical history and your general health. This case history helps us gain an idea of what your body might be going through and whether treatment would be appropriate for you.
In most cases, headaches can be caused by changes in your jaw, neck and upper back complex. On the whole, we’re spending more and more time sitting down - either sat at a desk, driving or even looking down at phones, tablets and laptops for extended periods of time. These actions are having an impact on our spine and muscles.
What does Osteopathic treatment for headaches look like?
Osteopathic treatment could take many forms, depending upon the symptoms you’re experiencing and your case history. Techniques used could include:
Spinal manipulation to relieve joints’ restriction of movement and relax the muscles around them
Soft tissue massage to gently restore muscle length of chronically tight muscles
Trigger points’ inhibition to alleviate the muscular tension collected over specific areas of muscles
Exercise prescription to improve your management skills at home and give you tools to manage possible recurrences more independently
It is important to note that headaches can be caused by several different medical reasons such as hormonal, heart related, neurological. If our initial case history shows anything that may be considered a red flag, then we would refer you back to your GP.
If you’re experiencing severe headaches or migraines, book your appointment with our professional Osteopath in Suffolk team today.