Osteopath for Lower Back Pain in Ipswich
Osteopathy for the management and relief of lower back pain with Osteopath in Suffolk.
Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit osteopaths. Even though the pain can feel like you have significant damage in your back, this may not always be the case and there are several reasons why you may be experiencing pain and many effective remedies for this.
When it comes to your back, traditional treatment can be restrictive as x-rays tend to have limited value in terms of revealing why a person may be suffering. Your x-ray could seem perfect whilst you may be in a great deal of pain.
Many cases of back pain can occur because your spinal range of movement has become increasingly restricted as time has gone on. This results in movement becoming too focused on one particular part of your spine as opposed to being shared across it all. The result of this can be painful spasms, even with everyday movements such as bending down.
This type of lower back pain is typically simple to treat, with a significant reduction in pain being achieved after one or two visits. Ongoing stretching and exercises can help to keep this at bay.
Back pain can also arise from disc problems, particularly in young adults. This can be caused by lifting and bending and incorrect form when weight training. This can result in sciatica, which can cause shooting pain down the back of your leg.
Recovery from spinal disc injuries can take significantly longer, as the discs are under continuous pressure from the weight of the rest of your body. The tissue they are made from also results in a longer recovery period.
Other reasons for back pain include slips and falls, osteoarthritis, and fractures. Back pain is also common during pregnancy. Osteopathic treatment is considered safe and gentle for both mother and baby.
How can Osteopath in Suffolk help with your lower back pain?
There are a number of manual techniques that we can use in order to try and ease lower back pain.
Our aim is to relieve muscle tension whilst also improving joint mobility. The techniques chosen will depend on the part of the spine that’s causing the pain (a full assessment will be conducted to identify exactly what the root of the issue is), as well as the pain being experienced.
Techniques we may use include massage, whereby the we will directly apply pressure to the soft tissues in your back with the purpose of relieving pain and reducing any tension in your pack. We may also use manipulation to help improve nerve function, lower inflammation in your back, and relieve pressure on the joints in your spine.
We may also recommend complementary therapies with our approved therapists which may help to further relieve issues and maintain long-term pain relief for you.
If you’re experiencing lower back pain, book your appointment with our professional Osteopath in Suffolk team today.